Heather | Conan Gray | Terjemahan Lirik Lagu Barat Newbie

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Conan Gray - Heather


I still remember
Aku masih ingat
Third of December
Tanggal 3 desember
Me in your sweater
Aku dalam sweatermu
You said it looked better on me, than it did you
Kau mengatakan itu tampak lebih baik padaku, daripada dirimu
Only if you knew
Hanya jika kau tahu
How much I liked you
Betapa aku menyukaimu
But I watch your eyes, as she walks by
Namun aku perhatikan kedua matamu, saat dia lewat
What a sight for sore eyes
Pemandangan yang menyakitkan mata
Brighter than a Blue sky
Lebih cerah daripada langit biru
She's got you Mesmerized while I die
Dia membuatmu terpesona saat aku tiada
Why would you ever kiss me?
Mengapa kau pernah menciumku?
I'm not even half, as pretty
Aku bahkan tidak secantik itu
You gave her your sweater
Kau memberinya sweater
It's just polyester, but you like her better
Itu hanya polyester, namun kau lebih menyukainya
Wish I were Heather
Seandainya aku heather
Watch as she stands with her holding your hand
Memperhatikan saat dia berdiri dengannya mengenggam tanganmu
Put your arm 'round her shoulder
Melingkarkan lenganmu di bahunya
Now I'm getting colder
Sekarang aku semakin dingin
But how could I hate her?
Namun bagaimana bisa aku membencinya?
She's such an angel
Dia seperti malaikat
But then again, kinda wish she were dead, as she walks by
Namun sekali lagi dia berharap dia mati, saat dia berjalan lewat
What a sight for Sore eyes
Pemandangan yang menyakitkan mata
Brighter than a Blue sky
Lebih cerah dari langit biru
She's got you mesmerized while I die
Dia membuatmu terpesona saat aku tiada
Why would you ever kiss me?
Mengapa kau pernah menciumku
I'm not even half, as pretty
Aku bahkan tak secantik itu
You gave her your sweater
Kau memberinya sweater
It's just polyester, but you like her better
Itu hanya polyester, namun kau lebih menyukainya
I wish I were Heather
Wish I were Heather
Wish I were Heather
Seandainya aku adalah heather
Why would you ever kiss me?
Mengapa kau pernah menciumku?
I'm not even half as pretty
Aku bahkan tidak secantik itu
You gave her your sweater
Kau memberinya sweater
It's just polyester, but you like her better
Itu hanya polyester, namun kau lebih menyukainya
Wish I were
Seandainya aku
Penulis lagu: Conan Gray
Lirik Heather © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC


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Updated at: Monday, August 31, 2020

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